Reverse helmert coding is the same concept as helmert coding, but the order of the groupings is reversed. See also helmert_code.
Reverse helmert coding compares each level to the total mean of all levels that come after it. Differs from forward difference coding, which only compares pairs of levels (not a level to a cumulative mean of levels).
Example interpretation for a 4 level factor:
Intercept = Grand mean (mean of the means of each level)
grp1 = mean(grp4, grp3, grp2) - grp(1)
grp2 = mean(grp4, grp3) - mean(grp2)
grp3 = mean(grp3) - mean(grp4)
mydf <- data.frame(
grp = gl(4,5),
resp = c(seq(1, 5), seq(5, 9), seq(10, 14), seq(15, 19))
mydf <- set_contrasts(mydf, grp ~ reverse_helmert_code)
lm(resp ~ grp, data = mydf)
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = resp ~ grp, data = mydf)
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept) grp>1 grp>2 grp>3
#> 9.75 -9.00 -7.50 -5.00