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Uses the same syntax as enlist_contrasts() and set_contrasts(). Returns a summary table of the contrasts you've set. If you set return.list=TRUE then you can access a list of contrasts in the second element of the resulting list. The glimpse dataframe is the first element. FALSE will return just the glimpse data frame.


  return_list = FALSE,
  show_all_factors = TRUE,
  add_namespace = FALSE,
  show_one_level_factors = FALSE,
  minimal = TRUE,
  verbose = getOption("contrastable.verbose")



Data to be passed to a model fitting function


Series of formulas


Logical, defaults to FALSE, whether the output of enlist_contrasts should be returned


Logical, defaults to TRUE, whether the factors not explicitly set with formulas should be included


Logical, defaults to FALSE, whether to append the namespace of the contrast scheme to the scheme name


Logical, should factors with only one level be included in the output? Default is FALSE to omit


Logical, default TRUE, whether to omit the orthogonal, centered, dropped_trends, and explicitly_set columns from the output table


Logical, defaults to TRUE, whether messages should be printed


A dataframe if return.list is FALSE, a list with a dataframe and list of named contrasts if TRUE.


Generally, glimpse_contrasts will give warnings about mismatches between the specified contrasts and what's actually set on the factors in a dataframe. The warnings will typically tell you how to resolve these mismatches. See the contrasts and warnings vignettes for more information.


my_contrasts <- list(cyl ~ sum_code, carb ~ helmert_code)
my_data <- set_contrasts(mtcars, my_contrasts, verbose = FALSE)
my_data$gear <- factor(my_data$gear) # Make gear a factor manually

# View information about contrasts; gear will use default for unordered
glimpse_contrasts(my_data, my_contrasts)
#>   factor n  level_names          scheme reference  intercept
#> 1    cyl 3      4, 6, 8        sum_code      <NA> grand mean
#> 2   carb 6 1, 2, 3,....    helmert_code      <NA> grand mean
#> 3   gear 3      3, 4, 5 contr.treatment         3    mean(3)